Friends of School of Seeing is an organisation whose members support activities related to School of Seeing. School of Seeing is trying to overcome individualism and elitism of today’s “official art”. Anyone, regardless of education, age or ability, can study painting and learn to paint. After all, everyone has the ability to see colours.
The whole theory, which this school is based on, is described by Radoslav Kutra in his book called Die Schule des Sehens. The Czech translation is named Viditelný čas. In this theory, the main task of the painter is to teach people to see the way the painter does.
The activities:
Regular common painting in the open air in the spirit of School of Seeing. This activity is open to both the members, and the public, regardless of their previous experience.
Supporting exhibitions organised by the members
Visiting selected exhibitions and other cultural events
Organising lectures, discussions and workshops on art and School of Seeing
In the future, we are planning to expand our activities and organise other common painting events and courses. We are open to everyone who is interested in becoming a member and we welcome the public wishing to participate in our activities.