Marie Nováková

Marie Nováková

2010 – 2010  Studied social pedagogy at Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín, the Czech Republic

1995 –  2002  Studied religious teachings at the Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague

1997 – 2001  Studied painting, fine art pedagogy and history of art at Kunstseminar Luzern, Switzerland

1994 – 1998  Studied painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology

1992 – 1994  Studied fashion design and sculpture at Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague

1988 – 1992  Studied fashion design and scenic costume design at Secondary School of Textile Engineering in Brno

I was born in Popov – Štítná nad Vláří, the Czech Republic. I have been painting since …. since I was born. Sometimes I get on and sometimes I do not. I am sure you know it. As a student, I went to two universities – Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and the Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology and ended up in Kunstseminar in Luzern. There, in the painting studio of Radoslav Kutra, whom I had met in Brno, I told myself, “This is it!”  Kunstseminar became my second homeland. I was grateful for any experience. The whole painter’s life means “seeking”. Seeking the right composition, shape, relationships between colours … Seeking fleeting moments of seeing…I paint in the regions of Valašsko and Horňácko, the Czech Republic, in Switzerland, etc. And somewhere between these places I live my life … A teacher of mine used to say, “Odříkaného chleba největší krajíc.” I didn’t like going to school. However, I have been going there until now. I am an art teacher. Besides, I work in an art workshop of a day care centre for handicapped children. I organise painting events in the open air and courses for children and adults (now only occasionally)
